Whitefish Primer 101- A how to guide loaded with tips and techniques to land more Lake Simcoe Whitefish.
Hottest Baits for Lake Simcoe - A list of baits to use with descriptions, tips and techniques on how to catch the fish your targeting.
Live Bait - describes all the live bait you can use on Lake Simcoe. Includes pictures and techniques.
Yo Yo for More Lakers - A great article written by Lake Simcoe Guide Steve Rowbotham on how to catch lakers with one of the most deadly techniques.
Whitefish 101 - The Original Tip-up Stick - An excellent article describing how to make and properly use a tip-up.
Round Goby Invasion and its influence on Angling Tactics - Knowing how to use this invasive species to an anglers advantage.
Fish Stocking in Lake Simcoe -Learn about the Fish stocking programs currently taking place in Lake Simcoe.
Fishing Lake Simcoe's Midge hatch for Whitefish - Learn about a technique on catching more whitefish during the spring time midge hatch.
Current Status of Lake Simcoe's Coldwater Fishery - A primer on the current status of Lake Trout, Whitefish, Burbot and Cisco populations in Simcoe
Floating Safely - Flotation suits and their importance on ice and how to choose the right suit.
Electric boogaloo - Are the benefits worth the investment?
Ice Fishing Safety - Tips on how to read the ice and how to survive if you fall through.