Fish Stocking in Lake Simcoe

In Lake Simcoe, hatchery reared Juvenile Lake Trout and Whitefish are stocked on an annual basis. The table below outlines how many fish have been stocked during a particular year and the particular fin clip to identify the stocking year. 

 In 2010, Lake Trout stocking was reduced from approximately 100,000 to 50,000 yearlings due to increased observations of natural reproduction taking place.  It was thought that the reduction in stocked fish would allow the natural Lake Trout population to increase and thrive without having to out compete stocked fish.

 Unfortunately, it was found in the most recent monitoring studies that natural reproduction and the numbers of wild Lake Trout was on the decline. This led the MNR to increase the stocking numbers from 50,000 Lake Trout per year, back up to 100,000 fish.

In 2022, the MNR was unable to stock Lake Trout, but will be stocking 200,000 lake trout in 2023. 

A fin from a stocked fish is clipped off to indicate it is a stocked fish and it helps identify the specific year that fish was released. Keep in mind, when identifying the fin clip using the table below, position the fish with the belly down and snout faced away from you (ahead of you). At least one of the five following fins are clipped to mark a stocked fish; Left Pectoral Fin (LP), Right Pectoral (RP), Left Ventral (LV), Right Ventral (RV), Adipose Clip (AC).  Please see our diagram below outlining where the fins are located. 

Up to date Stocking tables are also posted on MNR FISH ON-Line Interactive Map

"Get your Sticker here!"

We only have a small batch left! We appreciate the love for the decal/sticker. If you are interested, we are selling them   3 for $10.00 or one for $4.00 (This includes shipping in Ontario) 

 It's a super durable  (UV and outdoor resistant, high quality sticker). Dimensions are 7.4 x 2.4 inches. We can send you one through Canada Post. Email us at if you're interested. E transfer preferred.