Frequently Asked Questions on Lake Simcoe
Can I use Lake Herring as Bait on Lake Simcoe?
This question was posed to the MNR inquiry online system. This is the response:
Cisco (Lake Herring) is considered a baitfish and also as a coarse fish. They are open all year and there is no limit on how many you can keep unless restrictions are stated in the fishing regulations or exceptions.
Lake Simcoe does have a season so you can use them as bait but there are restrictions on how many you can use as bait if caught from Lake Simcoe.
On Lake Simcoe in the exception, it states: Cisco (Lake Herring) open from Jan. 1 to March 15 and the 2nd Saturday in May to Sept. 30
Sport License: possession limit - 2
Conservation License: possession limit - 1
Since Cisco (Lake Herring) is also classified as a baitfish than you would be able to use this specie as bait therefore you would have 2 options for Lake Simcoe since there is also a season.
Option 1:
If you’re in possession of a Sport Fishing License than you would be able to fish for Cisco (Herring) in Lake Simcoe.
You would have to stop after catching 2 Cisco because in the exceptions it states the possession limit is 2 for Cisco with a Sport Fishing License.
These 2 Cisco could also be used as bait because they are also classified in the regulations as bait.
If you’re in possession of a Conservation Fishing License than you would be able to fish for Cisco (Herring) in Lake Simcoe.
You would have to stop after catching 1 Cisco because the exceptions it states the possession limit is 1 for Cisco with a Conservation Fishing License.
The 1 Cisco could also be used as bait because they are also classified as bait in the regulations.
Option 2
In the fishing regulations it also list Cisco as a baitfish, therefore you could go to a bait dealer and purchase Cisco as bait.
You are not allowed to have more than 120 baitfish in your possession.
This baitfish (Cisco) from the baitfish dealer could be used in Lake Simcoe.
If you going to use Cisco from a bait dealer to fish Lake Simcoe, I would recommend keeping your receipt as proof to show to a conservation officer that these Cisco was purchased from a bait dealer as baitfish and were not caught from Lake Simcoe.
Can I chum with minnows or any other bait on Lake Simcoe?
The MNRF mentions that you cannot chum with invasive species and that the bait you were chumming with is legally obtained. The regulations are in place to reduce the introduction and establishment of invasive species or pathogens that can be transported with bait following misidentification or as a fellow traveler in bait buckets.