Fish Species
YELLOW PERCH are the most sought after game fish through the ice providing steady angling action throughout the winter while providing great table fare. Jumbo sized perch in the 13 to 14 inch range are caught every season and can easily be taken with the right gear and know-how. More...
There was little evidence in the past several decades of natural recruitment of Lake Trout in Lake Simcoe mainly in part by stresses from phosphorous loading leading to low dissolved oxygen levels in the deep waters of the lake. However, natural reproduction has been documented since 2001, something that hasn’t been seen in over 20 years. More...
The MNRF has recently re-opened the Lake Herring fishery (in 2015) after being closed for 13 years as the population was in a steady decline due to over harvest, invasive species and decreasing water quality. Due to an increase in water quality conditions and closing the season to allow the populations to recover, there has been a positive trend in lake herring numbers, thus the reason the season has been re-opened. More...
Only a handful of anglers can say they've caught a BURBOT through the ice and even less can say they've caught them on purpose. Burbot does exist in Lake Simcoe and fish in the 3-5lb range are reported every winter. By understanding the biology and movements of this fish, you too can catch an elusive Lake Simcoe freshwater cod. More...
NORTHERN PIKE are aggressive feeders through spring, summer and fall and continue to be caught through the ice during the winter months. ike are known to attack just about every kind of live and artificial bait. They are typical ambush predators; they lie in wait for prey, holding perfectly still for long periods and then exhibit incredible acceleration as they strike. More...
SMALLMOUTH BASS If you're looking to beat you new personal best smallmouth, look no further than the mighty Lake Simcoe. Without a doubt, Lake Simcoe is one of the best inland lakes for trophy Smallmouth Bass in North America. Its about the size of the smallmouth, not necessarily the quantity in Lake Simcoe .