Q & A Session with Simcoe Anglers
Could you give us a background of who you are, where you grew up, how long you have been fishing Lake Simcoe?
What's the most challenging part of your job and what's the most enjoyable part of your job? And why do you think you are doing what you do now?
What would be your very earliest memory of fishing on Lake Simcoe?
Do you have any memorable stories of fishing on Lake Simcoe? Maybe a personal best fish, or a funny story or anything related to you fishing on Lake Simcoe?
What is your favorite species to catch on Lake Simcoe, technique and favorite bait?
Why do you think Lake Simcoe is such an amazing fishery today?
If you were in charge of improving the Lake Simcoe fishery - what changes would you make? Can be from a regulation standpoint, conservation, rehabilitation, stocking etc. As well as for any species that you choose. (Examples could be reducing Perch possession limits, improving walleye fishery, muskie, bass regulations, lake trout and whitefish stocking numbers etc).
What would be your dream bucket list fishing trip (anywhere in the world)?
We just want to know more about some of your favorite things related to fishing:
Overall favorite fish species to catch?
Favorite body of water to fish (outside of Simcoe) and the species?
Favorite fishing show growing up?
Favorite braided line brand?
Favorite fluorocarbon line brand?
Favorite baitcast reel?
Favorite spinning reel?
Favorite jerkbait?
Favorite soft plastic to throw?
Favorite fishing knot from braid to flouro?
Favorite fishing knot from leader to hook?